That's Rinny Trihani Binte Trihartono. Cool name. :D
Rinny's being such a lazy bum bum bum. I help to update her blog since I've got nothing to do. So anyways, today was a crazy day. I had fun playing soccer and mud with Rinny and my friends. Rinny was the first one to fall on the field. Hahaha. Many of us were put into the mud EXCEPT FOR RINNY. So unfair! We can't carry her. She escape. Ayaiyaiyai. Hahaha. But anywhoooos, had lots of freaking fun. We so called "Mandi" and stuff, get soaked but then was dirty with the mud again. And then the whole cycle repeats. I love today. And I hope Rinny loves today too. AND I HOPE YOU READERS ENJOY YOUR DAY TOO.
Alright. Got to go. Adios!
Oh and btw, Bunny ain updated Hamster Rinny's blog. Hehehe.